Presentation Guidelines

Guidelines for the Presentation of Oral Communications

  • Oral Communications
    1. For Oral Communications with online presentation, you will have 12 minutes to present, followed by 3 minutes of discussion.
    2. Files must be submitted in PDF format.
    3. Authors must identify who will be presenting on the submission platform.
    4. Note: Each author can submit up to 3 papers (including posters and communications).
    5. It is important to be online 30 minutes before the start of the session where you will be presenting.

    Submission of the presentation file is mandatory for online communications.

    IMPORTANT: Oral presentations will take place exclusively on July 8th.


  • Size


    1. it is recommended that posters are sized in A1 format

    2. Each poster must consist exclusively of one A1 page in PDF format.

    posters aps

  • Mandatory content and recommendations

    Posters must include the following information in the identification area identification area:

    • XIII Portuguese Congress of Sociology - July 8-11, 2025
    • Name of study/project
    • Name(s)/Academic Titles of the authors
    • Institution to which they belong
    • E-mail address

    In the content area, the following are recommended, in the order indicated:

    - Objectives

    - Method(s)

    - Results

    - Conclusions

    - Bibliographical references (where applicable)

    - Final indication of funding sources (where applicable)

  • Presentation


    1. Os Posters com apresentação online deverão ser submetidos em formato PDF (na plataforma)
    2. Poderá submeter um vídeo de até 5 minutos para a apresentação
    3. Terá a possibilidade de fazer a apresentação do seu poster, terá 5 minutos para apresentar, ou então deixá-lo apenas online, se escolher fazer a apresentação do Poster terá de informar a organização.

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