Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines

To create a new account, go to the congress website and LOGIN in the top right-hand corner of the page.

- Select the option: "Create New Account" and fill in all the fields with your personal details You will be sent a confirmation email to activate your new account - check your inbox and if you haven't received any emails, check your Junk, Trash or Spam boxes.

- Click on the link sent to you in that email to validate your account

- From here you can LOGIN using your details: e-mail address + password you have defined

Note: Before submitting your abstract, please read the submission guidelines carefully and also check the available thematic areas and sections.

To submit your work:

- Log in to your personal area of the website by LOGIN with the email address and password you have chosen

- Select from the left side menu: ABSTRACTS - and then the submenu Abstracts

- Choose the option "Submit new abstract" and fill in all the fields indicated.

You can participate in a maximum of three abstracts, but you can only submit two abstracts as first author (i.e. two abstracts as individual author or one abstract as individual author and another as first author of an abstract with several co-authors, or two abstracts as first author of a collective work).

Submission of abstracts

Abstracts must be entered by the authors on the XIII Congress website

When submitting an abstract, the following fields must be filled in:

1. Thematic Area/Section
2. Type of presentation (you can choose communication or poster)
3. Title
4. Abstract (between 1750 and 2500 characters without spaces)
5. Keywords
6. If there is more than one author, indicate their order, name, institutional affiliation and email address.

Language and participation limit

Abstracts can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French; you can participate in a maximum of three proposals, but you can only submit two proposals as first author (i.e. two proposals as an individual author or one proposal as an individual author and another as first author of a collective proposal, or two proposals as first author of a collective work).

Evaluation of abstracts

The result will be expressed in one of the following ways:

1. Paper proposal accepted at ST/AT
2. Poster proposal accepted at the TS/TA
3. Paper proposal not accepted at ST/AT
4. Poster proposal not accepted at ST/AT
5.Paper proposal accepted on condition that it becomes a poster at ST/AT

It may also happen that a proposal submitted to a particular Thematic Area is considered by the respective evaluators to be better suited to another Section/Thematic Area, and is therefore forwarded to that Section/Thematic Area in order to be evaluated there.

Full Article

It is not necessary to submit a final paper in order to present your work at the congress.

After the congress, a new submission/review phase will open for inclusion in the proceedings of the XIII Portuguese Congress of Sociology, where participants with papers presented will be able to submit the final article. The writing guidelines will be made available on the website in due course.

After the Congress, the Proceedings will be published in electronic format, with DOI registration. Acceptance of the abstract and presentation of the paper at the Congress does not guarantee publication of the final text in the Congress Proceedings. The texts will be subjected to an evaluation and selection process under the responsibility of the current coordinators of the sections/areas in collaboration with the new coordinators who will be elected in the electoral process for the Thematic Sections that will take place after the Congress. The evaluation process will be based on the criteria used by the journal SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE.

Special issue of the journal Sociologia On Line

The coordinators of the sections/thematic areas will select the best texts from their areas to be included in a thematic/special issue of SOCIOLOGIA ON LINE, if the authors agree.

Poster Submission Rules

An academic poster is a formal presentation of the results of a research project. A Poster makes it possible to publicize ongoing research or to report on its main final results (if already completed), ideally combining text and images, suggesting a quick and efficient (re)acquaintance with the work that is being carried out or that has already been completed.

The main requirements of a Poster are:

- Legibility - readability is a measure of how easy it is to read, in terms of the relationship between the parts (chapters, see Point 6) and the conciseness of the paragraphs (ability to summarize).

- Presentation - this refers above all to the appropriate choice of graphic fonts (see Point 4), including the colors and patterns used in graphs, diagrams and figures;

- Organization - spatial organization is fundamental to the overall understanding of what is being presented.

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