University of the Azores (UAc)

Founded in 1976, the University of the Azores has established itself over the decades as a benchmark institution within the archipelago, building scientific and cultural ties. But it has also established itself as a universalist institution, leveraging the relevance that its Atlantic nature gives it: a true bridge between Europe, the Americas and other geographies of knowledge, confirming that Scientia Lucet is there.

The University of the Azores is located in the central area of the city of Ponta Delgada, surrounded by its own botanical garden and parking lot, 5 km from João Paulo II International Airport and a 5-10 minute walk from the city center, next to the sea. Public and private transportation makes it easy to get to any part of the city and the paradise island of São Miguel.

On the Ponta Delgada campus, the University of the Azores has an Amphitheatre Department (consisting of the Aula Magna, North and South Auditoriums and an Exhibition Hall), 3 Amphitheatres, Classrooms and Videoconference Rooms. (see attached image on the website after this information)


Azorean by nature, Atlantic by geography and vocation, and Universal by mission, the University of the Azores is committed to creating and disseminating culture and technology in the Azores, as well as being internationally recognized for its teaching and research activities on island, maritime and transatlantic issues, in all their dimensions.

To this end, the University of the Azores works to: increase access to education and qualified employment, improving the level of qualification of Azorean citizens; contribute to the construction of the cultural and environmental identity of the Azores alongside the exercise of productive and constructive European citizenship; actively participate in the definition and evaluation of regional and national public priorities and strategies, in order to increase the economic and social sustainability of the Region and the well-being of the populations; strengthen regional, national and international cooperation and the values and opportunities of multiculturalism.

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