Ana Ferreira


Ana Ferreira is an assistant researcher with a fixed-term contract (CEECIND/01053/2017) working on sociology of science and innovation at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences of NOVA FCSH. Currently, her research is focused on understanding how modifications in academic organizations (increasingly relying on precarious labour and management structures), practices (top-delineated, short-term and application-driven) and epistemic culture (articulating a meritocratic culture with the rhetoric of self-realization) frame, on the one hand, knowledge production, and on the other, academic and life trajectories of researchers. Her work has resulted in 1 book, 24 indexed papers and 8 book chapters. Also, she was awarded 2 Project Grants by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Principal investigator (PI); 25% and 13% success rate; 160K and 156K), 1 Santander-NOVA Collaborative Grant (Co-PI; 1 grant/year; 25K) and is an active member of internationally-funded research networks within the framework of Cost Actions and CYTED. Additionally, she has been an invited assistant professor of sociology and science and technology studies (more than 20 courses, since 2012), reviews papers for indexed journals, develops outreach activities and is deeply involved in scientific labour rights activism.

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