Maria Cristina de Sousa Gomes


She has a degree in Sociology from the University of Évora and a PhD in Sociology, specializing in Demography, from the New University of Lisbon. 
She was a lecturer at the Catholic University - Viseu Regional Center from 1989 to 2004. She has been a member of the Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences at the University of Aveiro since 2004. She teaches and researches in the areas of demography, population policies and gerontology.
She is a member of the Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies Research Unit at the University of Aveiro. She is Vice-President of the General Assembly of the APD, a member of the board of AIDELF and a member of the Scientific Council of INED. 
She was a member of the research team for the following projects: “Portugal: Regional Integration of Demography and Economy” (P-RIDE) [PTDC/ATP-DEM/0441/](2020); “Migration and demographic sustainability” funded by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation (October 2015-December 2016). “Costs and benefits, on a local scale, of dispersed occupation”, FCT: PTDC/AUR/64086/2006; DONUT - Determinants of Housing Demand in Portugal FCT: PTDC/AUR-URB/100592/2008; DEMOSPIN - Economically sustainable demography - Reversing decline in peripheral areas FCT: PTDC/CS-DEM/100530/2008; Demographic dynamics and ageing of the Portuguese population: evolution and prospects - ICS/Instituto do envelhecimento project funded by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation. 

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